GEC will manage building regulations on your behalf
If you’re considering extending or developing any aspect of your home or property, you need to bear in mind any relating building regulations. Whether you’re having a small extension or a large
renovation, building regulations will apply to most new buildings and any alterations of existing buildings in England and Wales, even if the building is intended for domestic use.
At GEC, we will guide you through the complex area of building regulations. We will help you understand what is and what is not possible for your project. As building regulations can be interpreted slightly differently by different local authorities, our local knowledge and expertise ensures you won’t be bogged down by regulation.
Building regulations outline the minimum standard of building construction and health and safety. However, gaining approval for building regulations is very different to obtaining planning permission. Rather than giving initial permission to build, building regulations deal with the standards of health and safety in and around a building project. Compliance is a legal requirement and must be carefully managed with local authority building inspectors. When GEC carry out any building work, we have health and safety responsibilities that we must consider and adhere to. We have a responsibility to all people working on site, to the public, and to you as homeowners.